Thursday, 31 December 2015

A Roundup of the Year Gone By

As the sun sets on 2015, and the sun lingers for its final moments before the dawn breaks on a new year and we begin to look upon the horizon with renewed hope and goals and dreams; I always find some solace in taking a look at the moments that have passed us by. The ones that have  had the biggest impact on me. The moments that have challenged my heart and mind. The moments that have made me pause and reflect. The ones that have opened my mind and replenished the soul. For in Life's journey, these moments, big and small, unravel the greatest discoveries within ourselves.
Looking back over the months that have passed, this has been a big year of Change for us all. So many big moments and big decisions that have altered the course of our paths. Moments that have made us pause and wonder what lies around the next corner and many moments of joy and celebration too! We have celebrated weddings and welcomed a baby...while also having to embrace a few ditches and dents along the way. It has not been easy sailing all the way; but we have learnt, we have hurt and we have discovered...and we have done so as a Family!
2015 has definitely left its mark on me! It's been a year of big changes and new beginnings. And as we bid our final adieu's; I will hang on dearly to the lessons I have learnt along the way. At the end of it all, the ebb and flow of  Life will always be constant. Though it's important for us not to be pulled by the tide it's also important not to fight our way to the safety of familiar shores. The waves of change will always come, and when they do, we must embrace it and move with the flow of the current, instead of fighting against it!

Here's a list of my personal favourite pieces of 2015. It might not have all been popular, but they are the ones that stand out most to me for this year...

Endings and Beginnings  Last years ending was this years beginning...A recurring theme in various ways for all of us this year. Beginnings and endings always interwoven. One thing always leading to the next...

Life Begins @ 40  My eldest sister celebrated a big milestone as she entered her 40's. Naturally this post was full of sisterly sentiments
Second Chance  My sister got married!!! And though there were quite a few posts revolving around the various festivities; this one is my favourite :-)
What the Future Holds My eldest child became a Teen! Obviously this opens one up to unfamiliar territory and a host of concerns!

 Introducing Aryana Just as I'm about to emerge from the haze that comes with having young kids; just as I thought I was done with babies...I became an aunt again when we welcomed little Aryana into our midst and I lost my heart once more!

Thank you for all your continued support...for reading, following and being part of my journey!
Here's hoping you will tag along in the new year...learning, conquering and growing together :-)
Much Love!
NAMU :) 

Wednesday, 9 December 2015

School Accolades

These past few weeks have been nothing short of hectic! And now that the school year has come to an end, I feel like I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and process my thoughts before holiday mode fully takes over. It's been nothing short of rollercoaster... with all the end of year demonstrations, awards ceremonies and graduations. Emotions catching me off guard as it fully started to sink in that Zaydaan will start grade 1 next year and Raqeeb joins his big sister in High School!
As a mother; a parent; I think it's only natural to want to see our children flourish and succeed. We want our children to do well, so that one day they can make something of themselves, get a degree, integrate into society and not be left behind. We want to know that when the time comes, they will be ok. That they will be able to fend for themselves. We want them to follow the 'norm'....and with these good intentions, we send them off to school; getting lost amongst the swarms of other kids whose mother's have the very same feelings and intentions. 
I love that accolades celebrates the kids who rise above the rest, but at the same time, I don't believe in 'stupid' children. I believe that every individual has been gifted with strength and purpose; and like a field of flowers, each has their own time to bloom. Sometimes I feel like the system is slightly flawed. That it pitches kids against each other. That it sets one up to fail. That it doesn't recognise the child in the middle, or acknowledge the child who; despite trying their best; didn't quite reach the mark. I feel like it forgets the child who persevered through a subject they didn't quite understand or tried hard at a language they find difficult to comprehend. And very often, I feel like it fails humanity when they neglect to recognise the child with compassion, integrity and humility. In short, I feel like they celebrate kids, but not ALL kids...under the premise that we all need to strive towards a certain standard...and yet I find it strange, that in these very same schools, they don't expect every child to run the race...or do long jump....or kick/pitch the ball.
I feel like the world wants academics and so we groom our kids for this world, but sometimes we forget what the world needs more of and forget to nurture those aspects in our kids. What I do know is that the world/universe has a way of teaching you what you need to learn irrespective of our accolades, and perhaps we need to nurture individuals to be more attentive, more balanced. Perhaps we should try celebrating ALL individuals and acknowledge their strengths. Perhaps in this way you truly will be grooming a generation to strive to do better...not compared to everyone else...but better than themselves!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that we all progress at a different pace, and though we should always strive to be better and do our best, we should never compare our best to the best of someone else. In my own kids, I want to create balance. I want them to know what the world expects of them, but I also want them to know what to expect from the world. I want them to strive towards success knowing full well that the definition of success will differ between each individual. And so as a mother, I will encourage the academically strong to achieve their full potential, motivate the one who is struggling and praise the one who is trying hard! I will teach the one who cannot draw while not diminishing the pride of the artist. I will run alongside the one who is slower, while cheering the one who can sprint... My kids all have different strengths an I love them ALL!
Well done on your achievements kids! You all shine in your own special way <3

Happy Holidays!!

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Introducing Aryana

Name : Aryana

Language : Persian

Meaning : Full of Life

I thought I was done Loving...that my heart had reached capacity...that there was no more room. I thought that life had settled. That the tiny babies I cared for and nurtured, are all grown up...almost all of them past me. I thought that these arms have done all it's embracing, cuddling, soothing. I thought that my energy had run dry from loving...that I had nothing more left to give - But I was WRONG!
I thought that I was done with babies...and all that it entailed. That I'd lost the built in instinct to love instantly and unconditionally. I thought I had my heart guarded against the power of a baby's tiny embrace. But then I  held you in my arms, and the chambers of my heart instinctively opened. Your head against my heart, my arms wrapped around your tiny frame...I thought I was done Loving...but I am not!

I thought I'd packed away the rattles and the toy box. That the memories of those years are all I have. But I am ready to unpack all those packed away treasures (and skills) in order to entertain you! I thought that I was done loving, but I am ready to open the doors of my heart and Love you. I was ready when I heard your first cries...ready when I accidentally refer to myself as "Mommy"...ready before you were born.

Though I did not bring you into the world, my heart beats with a knowingness of the sacrifices your mother endured to bring you here. For this reason my love for you is different. When all the other kids were born, I was an excited Aunt waiting to spoil her nephews...Now I stand beside your Mother as she draws her protective shield over you, knowing full well the responsibility that comes with raising a child...and more especially, a daughter. are born into a great big family, and though you are your Mother's first, you are the newest and littlest Firefly of us all for now, and that means you will have to deal with a lot of love from all directions! There are many hands to hold you...and many hearts who hold you dear <3


Cousins (minus 3 living in the UK)...all waiting to shower you with love  <3

Three generations of Firefly girls :-)

Love Always,