Monday, 20 May 2013

Battle of the Bumps

Pregnancy is far from glamorous! Sure enough paparazzi shots of Hollywood’s most fabulous looking preggy moms (Giselle Bundchen, Jessica Alba, Gwyneth Paltrow) circulate, with them lounging around on exotic beaches in bikinis, and make the rest of us feel like we're doing it wrong....Like somehow our spontaneously swollen noses is all our fault, but the truth is, it's hard being pregnant; with our ever changing shape, constant shifting numbers on the scale, nausea, heartburn, swollen ankles and raging hormones. It must surely be worse having to do it under media spotlight...

It seems lately, that almost every magazine cover has an unflattering picture of Kim Kardashian, plastered beside a glowing Kate Middleton. I can't help feeling a bit sorry for Kim in this one.  Once praised for her famous curves, she is now being criticised and compared to someone with a completely different body type!!! The media, it seems, can be your best friend, and just as quickly become your foe.

Although much can be said about Kim's dress sense (come on Kim, Kourtney did it so well), some of us have no control over our bodies during pregnancy despite our hardest efforts....and the media's perception of what of what perfection should look like, is slightly obscured. To compare these two is greatly unfair to Kim.

While Kate certainly is glowing, thousands of us "normal" people look rather much like Kim (With better fashion choices), and while the media may be laughing, there are some of us who are relieved  that finally there's a realistic image of what pregnancy looks like! Now make us all proud, Kim. Ditch the heels and put on some maternity clothes!

Celebs who got it right.

Kate vs. Kim:  Unfair Comparison

Come on Kim, What were you thinking?!?!


Taking the term "if you've got it, flaunt it" to the next level #FAIL


Who wore it better?... I would have to agree with Robin Williams! ;)

I must be on to something as Grazia Magazine SA chose my comment for this week's issue of their magazine.
(See pg. 46 )

But wait,....there's hope for Curvy Pregnant Women....


Pregnant and curvy doesn’t have to be frumpy.  Jessica Simpson  manages to rock her pregnancy curves by wearing stylish, yet flattering clothing.


NAMU :) 

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