Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Beauty Basics

It is true, that for the most part of the last 10 years or so, the majority of my "social outings" has been kiddies parties or events! Mall trawling (with kids), movies (with kids), lunch outings (with kids)... That has been the story of my life!

So when I got a call from one of the wonderful ladies at the Gatineau counter at Woolworths, inviting me for breakfast, I was a little bit excited at the prospect of having an outing that involved "big girl" interests for a change!

I must admit that my beauty routine is a little bit ancient basic, and has not changed much since  my 20's. It is quick, rushed and conveniently fits into my busy schedule. I find it increasingly difficult to keep up with all the latest revolutionary treatments, and haven't the slightest clue when it comes to BB creams and CC creams...Anti-ageing and Serums! So, for someone like me, this outing was very educational.

Dragging big sister along for the event, we were taken through the whole process of what we SHOULD be following, but don't! We were given tips and techniques to help maximise the effects of the products, and thus attain the best results while using them (Did you know there's a special technique in applying eye cream!?!?). We had the opportunity to lather on try out various products and feel the effects on our skin....and also pose our own questions with regards to individual problems and concerns.

Although I have been blessed with fairly good skin (thanks mom!), I realise I do not give it the proper attention it deserves. I have already started to notice some slight changes in my skin which I suppose is normal for my age and an inevitable part of the ageing process, and although I don't often splurge on big branded skin care products, I have, however, been trying out a few samples recommended by Gatineau a few weeks ago, and have noticed a remarkable improvement in my problem areas. So I ended off the day doing what any other girl would, and  gave in to the Woolworths Beauty Festival specials on offer, and bought myself some basic skin care products from this amazing French brand!



The Goodie Bag!

My purchases and complimentary free gifts, Courtesy of Gatineau and the Woolworths Beauty Festival.


And because I rarely get a chance to dress up, and really liked my outfit for the event; I thought I would share a pic! (Styled by Moon)
Thanks for reading,




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