Monday 14 October 2013

Family Matters

There are many things in life that I cherish...that my heart remembers fondly and my mind adheres to with nostalgic sentiment. There are many things that have captured my soul and represent my essence. Things that are not really 'things'...but moments in time; fragmented pieces of my history; frozen, preserved, entombed into the very core of my being!

The greatest of these cherished things, are the biggest moments in my life...The greatest tests... Days I was paralysed with fear, or tormented with heartache. Burdened with sorrow, overcome with uncontrollable laughter...a joy so great, or a moment  insignificantly small...

I have faced these moments, but I have never faced them alone. Even the days I FELT alone, I have always been part of a much larger force...and that is my Family...
And so, when there are moments of significance in our lives, or the lives of our children; speech contests and school concerts; Birthday celebrations and Prefect comes naturally to us that several, if not all of us, are there to represent. And even if not physically, these moments are shared...with a photo, a message, a phone call. Cheering each other on, offering one another support; from here in South Africa...till all the way in the U.K...wherever we may be, whatever corner of the world...we are bonded and bound together. We are not single trees that face the tides and torrents alone...But we are a forest that protect each other through it all!

As my Father always says...We (5 kids), are like match sticks...Individually, we can be broken... But together, we are unbreakable!
This past week has seen us celebrate many feats and accomplishments...and we celebrated it the way we do best...celebrated together as a Family....


Starting the week off, was Saafiyah, who reached the Semi-finals in a speech contest...

And Waseem got elected as Prefect for the 2014 academic year ...

 Next up, was a casual breakfast, celebrating Moms' birthday...

Followed by an impromptu cake and candles with Moon and the (nearby) grandkids...


  Then it was Zaydaan's turn to strut his stuff at his school's annual concert...

And we ended the week off with a tea party for Mom's birthday, at the Vineyard Hotel!
(But more of that on another day!)


And just when I thought it was safe to relax....I realise Eid is in 2 days time!!!!!!!!


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