Monday, 19 May 2014

My Truths - Done Being Angry

Nobody's life is ever perpetual sunshine and endless rainbows. At some point, we have all weathered a storm! EVERYONE has a story...We have all had setbacks. We have all fought wars. We have all climbed mountains and tried to claw our way out of holes! We might even have seen the world as our enemy...ourselves as a victim...our lives a complete dead end to sorrow. At some point, we might have found ourselves permanently enraged. Consumed with bitterness and volcanoes waiting to erupt! Filled with molten lava fumes of emotion that is ready to cascade out of us.
But at some point too, we would have to face a decision! Whether to continue spiralling out of control on this all consuming path of hatred, rage and anger...or decide to let it go. To take the steps to heal. To make a commitment to choose to be happy. To find the silver lining...

I have learnt, that even though Anger is a normal human emotion, there's a certain type of Anger that is all consuming...encompassing...and it shows it's face when our emotional furnaces are unsettled. This Anger usually takes us hostage in the moments when we feel most is a little message that whispers rather loudly...that begs us to scratch beneath the surface and deal with the real issues...
Stop fighting! Look. Listen. Observe. Our mind is only letting us know to let go of whatever is holding us back...and the longer we hold on, the harder it becomes for us to move on. So the next time you feel your body well up with insurmountable anger. The next time you feel betrayed, sad, lonely...understand that these are just obstacles put in our paths...little divine messages to teach us something about ourselves and make us stronger! It's up to each of us to unravel the message, let go of all the negativity and regain our inner peace. Our sanity. WE can only get better!!!
Contentment will only come when we release all the negative energies of the world and embrace who we are meant to be. We will never feel at ease when we are constantly fighting ourselves or those around us. Such inner turmoil only leads to further self destruction. Don't let Anger control you. Conquer it!!!! Life is so much better on the other side...

I am so done being angry at the world!
I am consumed with bitterness and resentment and it is gnawing away at my core.
I am filled to capacity and am starting to regurgitate a bitterness that is not me!
Like a python spewing venom...
I cannot stop myself.
Like a scorpion stinging in defence...
Only, I didn't start out like a scorpion...
Sometimes I feel like the victim of a vampire - Having the blood sucked out of me...
only to turn into something vile and ugly! Like them!
I need to STOP!! But how?
I need to start fighting the demons inside of me.
Cough them up, Spit them out and regain control of my body.
If I have learnt one thing; it's that anger and hatred consumes the body and mind like a vile poison.
It spreads through your veins and attacks your mind...eating at you like a scavenger!
I am so done with being angry at the world.
There are so many better things to do with my time than harbour a resentment that is bound to destroy me...
So the next time I am face to face with the luminous light that is anger...
I will turn my back and walk away,
rather than have it corrode my mind and heart...
 (An excerpt from a very old diary entry I thought I'd share)
 Thanks for reading!



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