Thursday, 19 June 2014

Growing Up

One never realises the full effect of time until 365 days have passed through our fingers. Slipping ever so gracefully. Silently. Until we reach a moment and reflect how far the journey has brought us. Birthdays are the one day each year that we celebrate these gradual changes, that from a mother's perspective, have passed by more swiftly than she would've liked...
Little Zee turns 5!!! And I can hardly believe the pace at which time has trickled by! The candles were barely blown out on your 4th Birthday cake, when already you started to transform...From a Buzz Lightyear and Toy Story addict to an Avengers and Superhero loving, little well as a new found love for One Direction (You know the lyrics to your favourite songs and I love the way you sing along!)
 You are the exact age big brother Raqeeb was when I discovered you were on the way. It was a time your older siblings had to grow up quickly and find their independence...something I seem to be robbing from you. For in this rapidly changing game player called are growing fast my boy...But in my minds eye I still see you as my baby!
But, the tell tale signs are there! And it really sprung on me by surprise! To think, most of  these milestones I have helped you through myself...From encouraging you to put on your own clothes and showing you which shoe goes on which foot, teaching you to draw houses and action heroes, and writing your own name. Adding and subtracting and building small little words...conquering monkey bars and teaching you to swim...and answering millions of questions to your enquiring little mind (sometimes we ask Google)! I have unknowingly helped you grow and venture away from the safety net of my protective wing...and into the arms of your Dad!
I admit that sometimes I feel guilty that I don't do as much for you as I did for your sister and brother...but then again, they didn't have older siblings to rely on the way you rely on them. Bath time, wrestling matches and getting up to mischief with Rocky; and bedtime, pampering and all your kitchen requirements from Appa. So many cousins that love and spoil you...and Agu...and Amaarah, who both embrace you like their very own little brother! It makes my job a lot easier than before. And I am grateful knowing that you have so many watchful eyes looking out for you.
And even though you are MY child and I bare the scars of bringing you into the are also deeply and dearly loved by your Grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. And I want you to know that their love for you closely resembles my own (Except Naani, who will argue she loves you more)...
I know that the next 365 days will move even quicker than before and before I know it, the precious moments I hang onto so dearly now, will be gone too. Which makes me feel that I need to slow down the pace at which we are going so that I can savour each moment properly without feeling that I am missing out. It has been my greatest pleasure watching you grow. I just ask of you to hold onto my hand just a little bit longer dear son, before you let go and grow up!

Love You Always and Forever!
MOM :)
You can read the story I wrote when he turned 4  here !

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