Thursday, 25 September 2014

Rumble in the Jungle!

Having kids is a never ending roller coaster! Just when you manage to find a proper feeding routine and think you've managed to get in some extra sleep at night, they start to teethe. Once life decides to quieten down again, they become mobile. You just get the hang of that and then the terrible two's start!! However the heck we survive, I have no idea! And then comes school, homework, sport etc. Finally, we start to see a light, sleeping in late on a weekend becomes a reality, shopping is no longer a disaster and you finally drag out 'em heels and then.....PUBERTY!!
Each age and stage sure comes with it's own set of challenges. We go through periods of comfort and quiet...and every now and again there comes along a horrible stage that sends us spinning and wanting to run for the hills! Some days I have no idea if what I'm doing is right, but I am always grateful to have the reassuring hand of my Mom guiding me through it and making me feel confident that everything will be OK :-)
I look at my kids and think how fast each stage has passed me by! The bigger two are fast approaching the Teens and very soon little Zee will be heading to Primary School!! It got me thinking about how many more cute concerts and costumes there will be before he's all grown up and onto the next stage!? It made me savour his performance this past weekend so much more. Witnessing his growth in confidence over the years has been such a pleasure and he really made his performance this year worth our while (I reckon he has his aunt's genes)! It's made me realise that it's no longer about "getting through a phase"...that I mustn't just "be there", but be present through each and every stage...even the bad ones!
The happy, proud moments far outweigh the worrisome ones and I strive as far as possible to be the Mom to my kids that my Mom is to me (although I sometimes falter in the discipline department!). Watching Zee do his thing on Saturday is among the countless moments that make this journey of motherhood so worthwhile! The family was out in full force to cheer the little guy on, obviously taking scores of pictures along the way! Here are a few of my favourite...

Saafiyah and Raqeeb way back in 2006! Time has gone by so quickly...
My face decorating skills have improved over the years! (Zaydaan 2014)

Supportive big brother

Getting into character

Pre concert photo shoot

Roar ;)

Zee could not contain his excitement

Some finishing touches

Zee enjoying the attention and praise after a very good performance

Zee's number one Fan!

Concert Day is a Family Affair

Ready...Steady... Pose

The rest of us were still pretty excited, but zee was done for the day!

Thanks for reading!

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