Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Gun Run Fun

Don't let the title of this post fool you...I do not consider myself to be a runner at all! Although the little bit of a trot I do manage to squeeze out I consider an accomplishment on it's own. Growing up an asthmatic, and having used that as an excuse and an escape for so long, I never thought I would ever break out into a jolt in my lifetime! But thanks to some motivation from a personal trainer and the blessing of interval training, I have built my stamina up over time.

But that's as far as my running journey goes. I don't do it for fun and it's not something I pursue outside of gym!  And least of all do I enter running races...I have a tough enough time competing with myself and have to constantly talk myself through my treadmill run!
But my daughter...she is another story altogether. Certainly not blessed with my genes in this regard, running is second nature to her. It runs (excuse the pun) through her veins! She gains such an immense amount of pleasure out of it and seeing her enjoy something so whole heartedly is fascinating to witness. For her, running is comes with ease.
Because she was too young to enter the 10km race with her aunt, I decided that to enter the 5km run with her and figured it would be a good bonding experience for the two of us! I was excited at the prospect of joining in on something she really loves, of being part of her world, of breathing in her passion.  As karma would have it...I injured my ankle real badly a few days prior to the race :-(
Everything happens for a reason I guess. In retrospect, I think I may have kept her back...slowed her down....nagged...and sapped the joy out of the moment. Instead, I just walked the course...gave some motherly support and let her run her heart out. Dad and brother cheered on from their bikes, cycling part of the course to try and get a glimpse of us (they managed to get that glimpse) and were waiting at the finish line. I was the last of my family members to cross the finish line (busted ankle and all), but I'm so glad I partook in something that was important to my child! Next year I shall run...provided I don't twist another ankle ;-)

It was a misty morning, but it didn't deter anyone! Babies were on board bundled up in prams with warm blankies...

Some fun and entertainment en route!

Walking meant more time for photo's! lol 

At the finish line with the cousins...

That smile says it all...GO SAAFI!! Now...if only she was that dedicated to her school work! HAHA

 Here's to many more races!!
Thanks for reading.

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