Monday, 20 April 2015

Life Begins @ 40!

There's an old adage that says " Life begins at 40 ". Having faltered through life in our 20's and 30's, I can only assume that this means we have made enough mistakes in our former years to learn from, and that these lessons have somehow transformed us, made us wiser and formed the foundation for a calmer, more peaceful existence in our 40's and beyond...
Sometimes in life, we put others' needs above our own. Culturally, I think Indian women are conditioned givers and very rarely claim anything...most especially for themselves! The greatest mistake with this kind of nature is that we so often get lost in living out someone else's dream...become someone else's shadow...lose our own identity.

We live in a culture that celebrates youth and makes one think that life cannot be enjoyed beyond a certain age...But at 40, a woman's life belongs to herself...she starts to shake off the multitude of roles she has been conditioned to fulfil...HER life only begins!
To my dear oldest sister...Today you have reached a much celebrated milestone of turning 40!! Though I know nothing about turning 40 myself, what I do know is that the scars we bear; the wounded heart, the hurt, the tears, the struggles, the tortured fragments of our souls... all our broken pieces forces us to rise stronger than we were before! And so I am hoping, for you, that it will be the start of a decade where you put yourself first! Where you are able to let go of all the restraints of the past and create a truly meaningful path forward.

It is true, that in life, what you seek out you will find. So search for the rainbows on the rainy days, find the humour in the impossible situations, dance with Laughter often, look for life's answers in the dull, dreary moments, find the silent stillness, the solemn smile of a happy heart....

Love Always,


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